Inclusion Centre
Chipping Sodbury School is a fully inclusive school where there is provision for students with a wide range of additional needs. For those students with EHCPs, the school will respond to the specified requirements within the funding constraints made available by the Local Authority. Parents/carers with a child with an EHCP are encouraged to communicate directly with the SENCo or Inclusion team to discuss their child.
The physical space of the Inclusion Centre is situated in the heart of Chipping Sodbury School. It comprises of a small group of rooms; a kitchen/dining room where some students will be supported and encouraged to use the appliances to promote independence and life skills and a specially designed enclosed garden with outdoor gym equipment, and areas to explore, to plant, to sit and to play.
SEN Unit
A specialist provision for students on the Autism Spectrum.
As part of the inclusion offer, the school has a SEN Unit for 10 students with a diagnosis on the autism spectrum who can learn, flourish and achieve success in a positive, nurturing environment designed specifically to meet their spectrum of need. South Gloucestershire 0-25 Team will place students in the unit after consultation, where it is deemed that a mainstream school with a SEN Unit is appropriate. Generally, students in the unit will have a blended timetable and will be able to access some mainstream lessons with support, plus some provision will be based in the Inclusion Centre.
A number of staff in the Inclusion Team are experienced and skilled at working with young people on the autism spectrum and their calm, respectful, nurturing approach ensures our students make good progress.
The team also includes a speech and language therapist, educational psychologist, an occupational therapist and a CAMHS specialist who meet regularly with students, families and staff to share their knowledge and expertise. Programmes of support are devised within this multi-professional team ensuring a consistent, structured approach to learning and positive outcomes based on the needs identified in the EHCP.
Mrs Grant, Deputy SENCo, is the day to day manager of the SEN Unit. Her work is actively supported by members of the wider central Trust team, the Headteacher and governors.
The SEN Unit is suited to students with an autism spectrum diagnosis who are of mainstream academic ability but find a fulltime mainstream school environment totally overwhelming. During the consultation period the Deputy SENCo will gather information about the student from a number of sources such as the student’s current school, parents and professionals involved with the student and their family. An observation or a meeting of the student is likely to take place as part of this process. Parents and students are able to visit the Inclusion Centre to gain a good understanding of what it offers.
At Chipping Sodbury School, we acknowledge and value the importance of working in partnership with parents/carers and believe students are able to reach their potential through our close liaison.
Staff recognise and appreciate transition and change to a new learning environment can be a highly stressful time for students and their families. We do our utmost to ensure anxiety is kept to a minimum by listening to students’ concerns, adopting a flexible, patient and caring approach, whilst planning with families and other multi agency professionals.
Our approach to learning is through a differentiated curriculum, tailored and personalised wherever possible to build on the unique strengths of each student whilst encouraging them to take risks and discover new experiences to develop skills for life.
Our practice is reflective and flexible. Student targets are identified and through continuous assessment, evidence of their progress and learning outcomes are recorded and celebrated. We also work closely with families, meeting regularly, sharing information and strategies to ensure learning needs at home are also taken into account at school.
The curriculum incorporates the core subjects English, maths, science and as much of the wider curriculum that is appropriate. There is also a keen emphasis on learning to learn and developing functional skills for life. Students’ views, opinions and interests shape their learning experience and are at the heart of all we do. Each student’s timetable is individualised and the amount of time apportioned to each subject may vary according to need and ability. Students may be taught in groups, pairs, individually or within a mainstream class, with support, at different points in the day. Our aim is to ensure each young person grows in confidence and independence, has the skills and opportunity to make informed choices, develop social and emotional awareness and has the best outcomes possible to fulfil their ambitions and potential. Where it is appropriate, students are encouraged to participate in wider opportunities available including trips and visits.
Our team appreciate parents know their children best and are keen to forge trusting partnerships with families and other professionals to ensure the best possible outcome for each student. Excellent communication between school and home is paramount. Concerns are addressed in consultation and collaboration whilst students’ achievements and successes are shared and celebrated. The annual review process is used to plan for the future, while regular parent teacher review meetings and informal coffee mornings or afternoon teas allow for “catch up” time on latest accomplishments and sharing of information. Feedback on students’ academic progress is in the form of a written report at the end of the Christmas term, Easter and summer. The SEN Unit welcomes families and has an “open door” policy.
For further information, please contact Mrs Grant, Deputy SENCo, Chipping Sodbury School Tel: 01454 862900