Curriculum Intent

This page contains links to a series of documents which aim to set out the school's intent for the CSS Curriculum and our vision; our commitment to aspirational learning.

At CSS this vision has been embedded in the curriculum at all levels by considering the following core themes or ‘Curriculum Pillars” which support this vision. The intent of each pillar is described within the school's curriculum statement, with further details in the curriculum outline documents. The 5 CSS Curriculum Pillars are:


In order to ensure it is clear how the rationale for the school's curriculum choices 'ripples down' through the curriculum the below diagram sets out the structure of this documentation:

The following table contains links to the documents outlined in the above schematic:

Document (Click for Link)

Further Information

CSS School Vision Statement

The document contains details of the schools mission statement and values as well as the vision statement; committed to aspirational learning.

CSS Curriculum Document Structure

As shown above in PDF format

CSS Curriculum Statement

This outlines, in broad terms, the school's curriculum intent.

CSS KS3 Curriculum Outline

This document provides further detail on the curriculum structure in years 7, 8 & 9.

CSS KS4 Curriculum Outline

This document provides further detail on the curriculum structure in years 10 & 11. 

Further details of the KS4 options process can be found on the year 9 options page.

CSS KS5 Curriculum Outline

CSS is part of Cotswold Edge Sixth Form, a long standing partnership between CSS, Brimsham Green School and Yate Academy. Further information can be found at the C.Edge Website.

CSS Personalised Provision Outline This document is currently being updated
CSS Co-Curricular Outline

This document is currently being updated


For details of the current extra curricular programme pleaseclick here

 Further details of the Curriculum intent, from all levels of the above schematic, can be found here. Further Details