Chipping Sodbury School

Chipping Sodbury School


Contact Us

LogoChipping Sodbury School
Bowling Road
Chipping Sodbury
South Gloucestershire
BS37 6EW

(for Sat Nav use BS37 6ES, House Number 34)

What3words ///cups.winner.zoom

t: 01454 862900

Sports Centre t: 01454 862880, e:

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Contact the school

You can telephone staff during the school day, but please be aware that many teachers cannot return your call if they are in the classroom.  If you have an urgent issue that needs immediate attention you should direct this to the relevant member of the Senior Team, as shown below.

Alternatively, you can send an email to the school, clearly marked with the name of the member of staff that you wish the email to be sent to.  The email address you should use is:

If you have any questions about the welfare of your child or wish to share information about issues that are affecting your child’s school work, please contact the relevant Pastoral Progress Lead directly.

For all other enquiries please telephone – 01454 862900

For student absences, please select Option 1 to leave a message or direct dial attendance 01454 862952

Who should you contact?

Pastoral Progress Lead

If you have any questions about the welfare of your child or wish to share information about issues that are affecting your child’s school work, please contact their Pastoral Progress Lead:

Mr White

PPL for Year 7


Mr Taylor

PPL for Years 8 & 9


 Ms Ellis

PPL for Year 10

Mr Hallett

PPL for Year 11



 Heads of Faculty

If you have a subject-specific question to answer or a subject-specific view to share, please contact the Head of Faculty:

English Faculty (including drama): Mr Lewis

Maths Faculty: Mr Chapman
Humanities Faculty: Mr Pellow
Science Faculty: Mrs Davies

Design, & Creative Arts Faculty

(including art, photography, ICT): Mrs Donnelly

Physical Education Faculty: Mr Allen
Modern Foreign Languages Faculty: Mr Pugh
Music: Mrs Boulton
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator: Mrs Hillier
SEN Unit Manager: Mrs Grant
Head of Sixth Form: Ms Hilleard

 Members of the Senior Team

Rob Skipp


 Contact me/responsibilities:

  • You would like to share your views about the school
  •  Safeguarding
  • School Improvement
  • School Self Evaluation

Jennifer Howe

Deputy Headteacher

 Responsibilities include:

  • Attendance
  • Behaviour
  • Safeguarding
  • Pupil Premium
  • Trips, visits and enrichment

Laura Davies

Assistant Headteacher

 Responsibilities include:

  • Teaching learning and assessment
  • You would like to visit the school

Melissa Hillier

Assistant Headteacher

Responsibilities include:

  • SENDCo

Kevin Milburn

Assistant Headteacher

Responsibilities include:

  • Curriculum
  • Exams
  • Sixth Form